IAI Contacts


The IAI provides phone numbers and addresses to all IAI members on the IAI website in the Members Area.


 Chief Operations Officer COO Calhoun, Glen
 Conference Committee Planner Murray, Candy
 Educational Program Coordinator Conner, Heather
 Conference Registrar Registrar Mattingly, Mary
 Exhibit Coordinator Coordinator Schade, William
 President Officer Mattei, Aldo
 Board of Directors Chair Villarreal, Domingo
 Division Representative Officer Ayers, Kelly
 International Representative Officer Ramotowski, Robert
 IAI Historian Historian  Klasey, Darrell
 Identification News Editor Stimac, Jon
 Journal of Forensic Identification Editor White, Alice
 Webmaster Webmaster Kammerer, Jim
 Social Media Coordinator Social Media Coordinator Zientek, Dan
 Membership  Pacheco, Alex
 Certification Boards

 Forensic Certification Management Board (FCMB)  Director  Triplett, Michele
 Bloodstain Pattern Analyst Certification Board  Chair Tewes, Richard
 Crime Scene Certification Board  Chair Doglietto, David
 Footwear Certification Board  Chair Bohne, Sarah
 Forensic Art Certification Board  Chair Krick, Autumn
 Forensic Photography & Imaging Certification Board  Chair Nguyen, Tony
 Forensic Video Certification Board  Chair Mullaney, Patricia
 Latent Print Certification Board  Chair Fayle, Tim           
 Tenprint Identification Certification Board  Chair Gordon, Amy
 Committees & Sub-committees   
 Science & Practices Committee   Chair Hammer, Lesley
 Biometrics Information Services  Chair Retton, Bethany
 Bloodstain Pattern Analysis  Chair Wolson,Toby
 Crime Scene Investigation  Chair Smith, Michele A.
 Digital and Multimedia Evidence  Chair Meline, Kim
 Facial Identification  Chair Johnson, Steve
 Footwear and Tire Track Examination  Chair Rice, Emily
 Forensic Art  Chair Way, Duncan
 Forensic Photography and Electronic Imaging  Chair Hoffman, Stephanie
 General Forensics  Chair Jorz, Ray
 Latent Print Identification  Chair Brazelle, Mack
 Latent Print Development  Chair Ridgelly, Karley
 Tenprint Identification  Chair VanAndel, Christie