2025 Orlando Conference

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The IAI's 2025 Annual Educational Conference meets the core aspects of the IAI Mission - education and professional development. There will be a full week of high-quality, cutting-edge education and hands-on training in forensic physical evidence examination and crime scene processing.


The IAI Conference will be held in Orlando, Florida at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort

Attendees will have the opportunity to experience a full week of professional, scientific, and technical lectures in the disciplines of Biometric, Bloodstain Pattern, Crime Scene, Digital, Facial Identification, Footwear and Tire Track, Forensic Art, Photography, DNA, Ten Print and Latent Print Evidence.

The IAI conference is the best place for experts in these fields to stay up to date on the latest techniques, technologies and issues in forensic science, and to learn more about quality assurance, standards developments, and the most comprehensive forensic certification program in the world.

More than being the Theme Park Capital of the World, Orlando offers an unparalleled mix of unique experiences and endless options for excitement. There are more than 5,000 restaurants featuring celebrity chefs, local favorites, at every price point and for every taste. Orlando is also home for terrific nightlife and entertainment, world-class shopping and great outdoor opportunities as well. All that and a lot more is awaiting you in Orlando!!

All educational sessions, meetings, exhibits and events will be held at the Rosen Shingle Creek

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Candace Candy Murray
Conference Planner

(407) 810-6112


Mary Mattingly
Conference Registrar

(407) 733-1519


William Schade
Exhibit / Sponsor Coordinator

(727) 259-3332


Heather Conner
Educational Program Planner

(480) 242-6407