Latent Print Certification
Latent Print Certification Home Page
An International Perspective
As of July 2024, the total number of IAI certified latent print examiners stands at 935. Of that number, only fifteen examiners represent countries other than the United States. These include Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Iraq, New Zealand, Poland, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.

While latent print certification may not be mandatory in your country, the benefits of achieving certification by an internationally recognized organization would be a great asset to your professional qualifications and an individual personal achievement that you can be proud of.
For those of you who might be thinking of applying, you might like to know that one of the recent changes we have made to our certification test is ensuring that all questions related to the written part of the test are generic and relevant to all examiners regardless of where you work. This includes ensuring that language and terminology is not U.S. specific which had been a problem in the past.
You may have obvious questions such as how can I take the test when I live so far away? The easiest way would be to attend one of the I.A.I’s annual conferences as we do provide an opportunity for applicants to take the test during the conference each year. Another way would be to arrange for an instructor or presenter who might be visiting your country to proctor your test which would mean being able to take the test closer to home.
Before you apply, it is important you read the information on this site carefully to ensure you have the requisite experience and meet all the requirements.
Additionally, there might be other logistics to consider, such as assessing your country’s education or academic qualifications in comparison with the present IAI requirements. If you have any concerns and/or suggestions, please let us know.
If there is something beyond the minimum certification requirements preventing you from applying for certification, we are willing to look at ways to find a solution that would allow you to take the test. Each application will be assessed on its own merits. Your questions may be directed to the Secretary of the Latent Print Certification Board.
We look forward to hearing from you and helping you in joining the ranks of our International certified latent print examiners.