Scholarship Information


Johnson-Whyte Memorial Foundation Fund

Scholarship and other Funding Opportunities

The International Association for Identification realizes the importance of education and research in the field of Forensic Identification. The Johnson-Whyte Memorial Foundation Fund has been established to fund scholarships. These scholarships are described below. Applications can be obtained through the links on the bottom of this page. Interested parties may also contact the IAI office for additional information.

College and University Scholarships

College and University Scholarships are awarded to current undergraduate and graduate students. The degree being sought must be related to employment in the field of Forensic Identification. Applicants must be in good academic standing with their respective colleges or universities.

Vocational Scholarships

Vocational scholarships may be provided to IAI members seeking to attend the IAI's Annual Educational Conference. Scholarship applicants must be Active Members of the IAI attending an official conference of the IAI in a country other than the country in which the applicant resides. Active membership for a period longer than one year is required before an application may be submitted.
Scholarship awards in this category will be based on financial need. Preference will be given to those members who are actively involved in the concerned conference as lecturers or poster presenters.

Application Forms

Applications for scholarships (below) must be downloaded to your desktop before being filled out.

    College and University Scholarships
    Vocational/Professional Scholarships

This program is administered by the IAI Board of Directors under the guidance of the Johnson-Whyte Memorial Foundation Fund Advisory Committee.

For further information or to send your scholarship application, email:

Glen Calhoun
Johnson-Whyte Memorial Foundation Fund Advisory Committee
2131 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 403
Hollywood, Florida 33020