The International Association for Identification (IAI) has established a charitable foundation fund for the purpose of promoting education and research in the disciplines of forensic identification. This fund is a self-sustaining research and scholarship fund. As such, all contributions are held in perpetuity and only income from investments is made available for scholarship and research grant awards.
Please consider making a contribution to the Johnson-Whyte Memorial Foundation Fund. Your contribution today will benefit the field of forensic identification for years to come.
Contributions may be made by credit card here or by mailing the Donation Form with payment to the Johnson-Whyte Fund in care of the IAI office, or by calling the IAI office directly with your contribution.
For additional information regarding the administration of the Fund, please contact the IAI Office.
Contribution Levels
Contributors List and Scholarship/Grant Recipients
Scholarship Information
For further information, contact:
Glen CalhounJohnson-Whyte Memorial Foundation Fund Advisory Committee
2131 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 403
Hollywood, Florida 33020